Saturday, November 29, 2008


this is not a set up....and it's too cute not to share!

First Snow

we enjoyed our first little snow on november 21st. the boys couldn't wait to get out. we hit the sidwalk at 7:15...i stayed inside for the most part with Sawyer. Connor and Jackson played for about 2 hours before they finally headed in. they loved every chilly moment! although connor was disappointed that we couldn't create a snow ball fort or a snow man. oh, well...there's plent of time for that.

Jackson's Big Day & Turkey Day

hard to believe...but my little guy is three. he enjoyed lots of fun with cousins and aunts and uncles. we celebrated a few times. we had a small family party on his birthday...then had my family...then the whole crew for thanksgiving day. he had a blast...he loved that fact that it was finally HIS birthday.

Oh Christmas Tree

So, we went to pick out of Christmas tree yesterday. It's become a family tradition to go the day after Thanksgiving. The trees were expensive! The boys loved wondering through the trees and picking their favorite...okay, okay, maybe it was more like racing through the aisles, but I'm revisionist. We picked out a good one, though...strapped it to the roof and headed home.

We took our "official" family photo. As you can see, the boys were quite cooperative. Ha, Ha! Oh, well, this is our life.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


So, I'm at work tonight and called home to check on Craig and the boys. Connor surprise there. He was out of breath and laughing. He apparently raced Craig to the phone, and won. After a few moments, he put Craig on the phone and I got my evening update on all the fun I'm missing. Including a walk to the park at Rockvale, a visit to the toy store, and pizza for dinner.

Then...the next voice I heard was a new one. This sweet little voice came on the phone and said, "hi mommy". I thought I knew who it was...but I wasn't quite sure. He continued on with a laugh and said, we're having fun. I asked him if he was being good, he answered yes! Then, he said...bye Mommy, I love you! It was my little Jackson. I couldn't believe it. He's never really talked on the phone before...tonight, he wowed me. I smiled for the next hour just thinking about how much Jackson has changed in the last few months. What a sweetie pie.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet....

Halloween was a fine time for us this year. The boy's got a chance to dress up for school on Wednesday. They enjoyed their costumer parade with their friends. I've never seen Connor get ready for school faster...when I told him he could wear his spider man outfit he nearly jumped out of bed.

This is the first time I stayed to watch the Costume Parade. It was so much fun. My heart swelled with pride as my little boys walked past and waved!

So, Friday, we did our annual Halloween dinner at my sister Lisa's house. I made dinner and took it over since I had the day off. The boys were so excited to dress up and get out there. It was hard to get them to eat. They were also excited about trick or treating with their cousins Lindsey and Seth. We had a great time.

Sawyer sat in his stroller and just enjoyed the ride. Jackson didn't like it at first...I don't think he really understood what we were doing, but he quickly caught on. He wanted to stop periodically and eat some of his candy though...which slowed him down quite a bit. Connor had a blast...he was eager to knock on doors and ring door bells. We had to slow him down a few times. At one house, he introduced himself...I'm Connor Mitchell Esbenshade...but right now, I'm the spectacular spider man! Too cute.
We had such a great time! These three little guys bring such joy to my heart. I can't help but smile when I think of them.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sawyer's First Birthday

Hard to believe how fast a year can go. Our little guy is a year old...and walking to beat the band. He's such a cutie and much loved by all.
We celebrated his birthday with family on October 11th. We all had a great time. His brothers and cousins were more interested in his presents than he was...not a big surprise though. He loved his cake...especially the icing. It didn't take him long to figure out that he could play with it and eat it.
Can't believe a year has gone by...I can still clearly remember the night Sawyer was born and the first time I held him in my arms. He was such a big guy. We knew right from the start that he was something special. He barely cried and also had such a sweet disposition. He truly is a gift from God. I couldn't imagine our family without our little Noah Sawyer!
PS Craig and I got to see Sawyer take his first steps. We were all sitting in the living room one evening during the first week of October. I was in the chair and a half...Craig was on the floor with Sawyer. Sawyer stood up and and took three steps to Craig. It was so cool. The next day, he took three steps to Connor. Connor loved it! Before long Sawyer was taking over!

It's been a long time....

I can't believe how long its been since i blogged. I feel bad...especially since so much has been happening at home. I'm afraid I'll start to forget stuff...okay, I guess the better statement is..I'm afraid of how much I'll forget.

Well, its been a busy few months.

First of, we're expecting baby #4. Crazy, I know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I know we'll be okay, but the thought of another person to take care of is a bit overwhelming. No doubt, we have enough love to give....its just the sleep I don't want to give up. Anyway, I know its in God's plan for us to have another child and my prayer is for a healthy baby.

The boys enjoyed getting ready for fall. They especially enjoyed a trip to our neighbors to pick out pumpkins and gourds.

Craig's sister Lynn got married in September. Thanks to my Dad and sisters, it marked the first night away Craig and I have had together without the boys since Connor was born. The wedding was lovely and we had a great time in the Finger Lakes of New York.

Of course, Sawyer's First Birthday was a big deal. I'll post those pictures next.