Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Baby is Three

If I counted the number of times I thought about blogging, or wrote a blog in my head,  I doubt I could count that high.  I'm going to try to change that though.  It's getting harder and harder to remember all the great stuff going on in our lives.  I need to write it down or it'll be gone forever.

With that, I cannot believe Mitchell is 3.  My baby.  By this age, his brothers each had a little brother.  Oh, my.  Can you imagine?  Mitchell is so kind and sweet. Such a cutie pie.  His blonde blonde hair...his adorable smile...his bow legged walk.  I cannot get enough of him.  He is so aware that its his birthday today.  We've been counting down for two weeks.  Craig put a countdown on a dry erase board in the kitchen and the boys have been keeping track ever since.  Its been fun.  Every time we ask Mitchell what he wants for his birthday he responds...quite loudly...CHOCOLATE CAKE!   I think we can handle that.   Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet boy.  I can't wait to spend the day celebrating you.  :)